Senin, 02 Desember 2013

Traveling to Pagama islands

ni adalah tugas speaking aku, tentang jalan" ke Pagama island.


Ok. Class, I would talking to you my topic about TRAVELING
Advantages  traveling of my topic is I could know about the history of my village and I could saw a beautiful in Pagama island.

1. About  Pagama islands

I would talking about my traveling to Pagama Island.
Pagama island is a little island which there in the front of my village, if we went to there, we need time about 2 hour, it's land so soft and white like flour, nobody life or live in there, next if we go there we can’t take anything from there and also, we can’t take some photo in there, if we doing it we will get the damned, it is not a lie but it is a reality.
2. I go to pagama islands

at the moment, me, my classmate and my teacher went to Pagama Island after test, when we arrived in there, we took a break for a moment, while my teacher said "you couldn't took anything from here and damaging something in here, you understand?" and we replied " yes sir". After that we walked around that island saw the history places in there while my teacher talked to us about it history.

3.  A story

 A story that I really like is a big ship that turned into a big stone. A long times ago there were some people who came with the ship to make something in there, but when they arrived in there, suddenly windstorm came, the waves were very strong and dark atmosphere, we do not know what happened with that person. But certainly their ship has been turned into stone. I do not know whether the story really happened, but the stone was indeed resemble a ship. The accident happened maybe they had bad intentions, because if we go to there we should not have any bad intentions or wanted to destroy something in there. After finished hear stories from our teachers, we took a break for lunch.

4. Go home

 After that we prepare the goods and ready go back to our village. But when on the way, suddenly rain, waves very strong and winds come. we've all been a panic , I held my friend's hand and started to cry because I was so scared and our teachers stand up , he said anyone who took something from there or damaging something in there , he looked very serious , but nobody answered because they are all very scared , our teachers replied the question, and my friend Lilis suddenly she stood up and apologized to us, " I 'm sorry , I did not mean to hurt you all " my teacher asked " what are you doing " and she answered " I just took a little doll, I found it on the beach. I think that doll looking beautiful and so small. Our teacher took the doll, I do not know what he said but he said something very quietly then he bent the doll in the sea. After a few minutes later the atmosphere was getting brighter and the rain let up a little bit. And finally We all up in the village safely.

In conclusion because of the accident, I think I must listen to the parents or those who guide us and do not argue what they said. Thank you.